Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic continuum Combining daily movement, lifestyle change and targeted nutrients to restore metabolic signaling with a system biology approach and enhancing cell signaling through the: liver, skeletal muscle, heart, pancreas and adipose tissue.

Prolonged sitting can cause:
Toxic burden
Nutrient deficiencies
Free radical damage
Blood sugar


Heart Health

Flat, lean belly and real ripples? Research shows that the kinds of fat we’re eating-the very fats that are being recommended by health experts are what’s causing us to hold onto our belly fat. Here is how you shed if for good.

All the government agency’s, the American Heart Association, U.S Dept Agriculture, Health and Human Services and of course the biggest company, bigger than our government and agriculture itself, Monsanto really want you to make changes. Change out saturated fats for polyunsaturated fats! Don’t do it! Cutting down on saturated fats has been the health industry’s mantra since Bill Clinton and his health heart, fried chicken, McDonald’s eating, Cholesterol developing American presidential run! Look what happened to him….Coronary Heart Disease and by pass surgery! Then the 2015 Dietary Advisory knuckleheads tell us that we need to reduce our saturated fat intake found in- beef, butter and egg yolks, which would lower our risk of heart disease and then replace it with what they called “good fat”, known as polyunsaturated fat, found in vegetable oils, such as soybean (cancer causer), corn oil (modified by Monsanto), fatty fish like salmon and trout-grown in farms that swim around in their own feces like a caged animal with no where to go!

These polyunsaturated oils could also be causing you to have more of belly fat! While now the research is showing that saturated fat intake could actually allow you to burn more of your belly fat! What? Eating more fats or oils could actually burn more of my belly? Yesss! There are some trans fats that are just as great for fat absorbtion especially around the belly! Now we are seeing some of the vegetable oils being banned by the FDA because of the absolute proof that it leads to heart disease! Wow! It almost is like the final findings of cigarettes smoking causes primary as well as secondary cancers! Remember when they said that there was no evidence of connection to cigarettes and cancer?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Flexibility is a term that describes the conditions of the entire body.  It is important to never force or overstretch a muscle.  Overdoing a stretch can lengthen ligaments as well as muscles.  Remember that muscles extend and are elastic.  Ligaments, the tissues that hold muscles to bones, are extensible, but not elastic; whereas muscles bounce back, ligaments stay stretched.  For women who continue to wear very high-heeled shoes over the years, for example, walking barefoot or wearing lower heeled shoes or slippers becomes both uncomfortable and painful.  The ligaments become so overstretched that normal activity in different shoes is no longer possible.
It is never too late to become flexible, even with limited range of motion in the joints.  Inflexibility can be reversed, and joint stiffness can be slowly alleviated.  Some people have backaches or unnecessary leg cramps at night.  Both stretching and proper posture can help strengthen the lower back and pelvic muscles: they keep pressure off the lower disc in the lumbar (lower back) area.  So, regardless of age, anyone can improve flexibility.  The advantage of maintaining flexibility is, ultimately, being able to move about when carrying on daily routines and having the extra safeguard of keeping the joints in good working condition.
A person who sits a great deal during the day is likely to feel tension build throughout the day in the neck, the shoulders, the lower back, and perhaps, the buttocks.  A person who stands for prolonged periods during the day may have aching feet and calves.  Stretching any of these body parts helps ease the tension produced by these muscle groups.
When they wake up in the morning, most people stretch very gently, slowly, and deliberately. That is exactly the right way to stretch: slowly and passively.  Bouncing while stretching increases the risk of injury.  A most effective way to stretch is to use an external force.  For example, one or more limbs may be used for leverage to stretch another.  Try flexing the fingers of your left hand backward.  Now, use your hand to help you with the stretch.  This time, the stretch is quite different!  Gravity can play an important role in stretching, too.  For example, if you stand glued to the floor and slowly lean into a wall or door with both hands bracing yourself, the calf muscles in your lower leg will feel the stretch.  That is gravity working with your body.
Sometimes when you are stretching a muscle, you may fell a twitch or contraction in another part of your body.  Usually, this is the opposing muscle.  For example, when the biceps is stretched, the triceps may be felt contracting.  That is normal when starting a new stretching program.  Eventually, you will gain control, and your stretches will feel “just right”.  Most importantly get your spine checked to make sure you are in proper alignment to prevent injuries.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chiropractic Care and Headaches

If you suffer with headaches, do not let anyone tell you they are "normal." Headaches are far from normal and are aften symptoms of severe underlying problems.

Headaches can result from many conditions. But research has revealed many headaches can be traced to the area of cervical vertebrae [spinal bones of the neck].

Because the neck is extremely mobile, there is constant danger of displacement of one or more of these vertebrae, which may compress and irritate the cervical nerves.

Intermediate causes of headaches include digestive, eliminative, kidney and heart problems; eye problems [chiefly eye strain]; infected tonsils; nerve pressure form spinal conditions involving cervical and other areas of the structural system; and sometimes, though very rare, brain problems. In women, disorders of the reproductive system are often the cause of headaches.

Although popping a pill may seem to be an easy answer to headache pain, it is not. It merely masks the symptom, PAIN; the underlying problem remains. As you become immune to the pain drug, you will require higher doses, which will not stop the pain.

If you are a headache sufferer, the best thing you can do it seek professional help by calling 702-920-6556 for an immediate appointment. There is absolutely no reason for you to suffer for even one more day. Even if you have suffered for years, and visited many types of health specialists without relief, Dr. John G. Florendo can offer the solution that you have been looking for.

Common Types of Headaches
Tension Headaches -
Are the most common type of headache. They are caused by muscle strain, or contraction. The pain is usually located on the forehead or the back of the head and neck. The pain is usually described as a dull ache, or a bandlike sensation surrounding your head as if you were wearing a tight bathing cap.

Usually, these headaches begin gradually and then last a few hours to several weeks. Factors that may trigger them include stress, diet, fatigue and poor posture.

Migraine Headaches -
is a general term and may take many forms. The headache pain occurs when the blood vessels of the head dilate (exapnd) and press on the sensitive nerve endings. Conditions that may trigger migraine headaches include stress, certain foods, fatigure and the menstrual cycle.

The most common type of migrain is called a common migraine. Another type is known as a classic migraine. These headaches are often preceded by an "aura" (unusual visual sensations such as blotches or sparkles) or by sensations of weakness, numbness, or tingling. The victim may also experience nausea, vomiting, cold hands and feets, and a feeling of soreness or exhaustion afterward. Though these headaches are just as sever as the common migraine, they generally do not last as long (24 hours or less).

Cluster Headaches -
are sometimes classified as migraines because the pain is caused by dilation of blood vessels. The name "cluster" describes the way the headaches come in distinct clustered episodes. In other words, you may have a bout of headaches for a week or two and then not experience them again for some time. Attacks usually last 15 to 30 minutes and occur in violent, punishing repetition. More men than women suffer from these headaches, and more sufferers are over 40 years old. Alcohol is a common trigger.

Other Types of Headaches-
To list and describe all the many types of headaches would fill an entire book. Some other types of headaches include those due to Cerival or Neck headaches, dental problems, eye disorders, allergies, and sinuses. Two very serious, though much less common, causes of headaches are brain tumors and inflammation of the membranes covering the brain. This is why it is very important to have a thorough examination to determine the type and source of headache pain.

A headache can be serious and hold you back from every day activities. Before you get to the point of regular pain or worse, schedule an appointment at the Unlimited Wellness Institute with Dr. Florendo at 702-920-6556.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Whiplash Pain Is Real, Study Says

A released study now confirms the severity of pain associated with whiplash. A 10-year study in Australia found that facet joint pain was the definitive cause of chronic head and neck pain in 60% of patients suffering from chronic neck pain following motor vehicle whiplash injuries. These findings were published in the journal Spine.

In addition the study showed that 87% exhibited a limited range of cervical motion. Together these findings suggest that many whiplash victims would respond well to chiropractic care since adjustments are specifically directed to the facet joints.

In fact, studies published in the Journal of Manipulation and Physical Therapy showed that chiropractic adjustments can eliminate or reduce joint pain and restore range of motion at the specific level of injury.

Chiropractic for recovery.

Whiplash pain may have more than one cause. Whether your symptoms stem from facet joint pain, muscle strains, or ligament sprains, chiropractic can restore function to the area of injury.

Doctors of chiropractic undergo extensive training in managing strunctural problems. Spinal adjustments help to remove nerve interference, break down scar tissue from old injuries, increase circulation to enhance healing, and reduce inflammation.

Let me help you resume your normal routine -- without pain, without drugs, and without surgery.

-Dr. John G Florendo

Unlimited Wellness Institute
6141 S. Rainbow Boulevard, Suite 115
Las Vegas, NV 89118

Office: (702)920-6556
Fax: (702)920-6555

Email unlimitedwellness@gmail.com for any questions or concerns.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Natural Solutions and Your Diet

     Eating tasty foods is one of the life’s pleasures.  But the fact is the foods that you eat play a major role in your health.  Your body has the amazing ability to turn the foods you eat into the energy it needs to move muscles, regulate organs, power the brain and aid in healing.

     Unfortunately, the food you eat can also play a major role in common diseases and disrupt the natural healing process.  Many of today’s convenience foods can place unnatural demands on your body slowing you’re healing process and depriving your body of essential nutrients, which often leads to potentially deadly diseases.

     Eating well means eating a variety of foods everyday.  But it also means eating regularly and avoiding excess Kevorkian foods, such as Pre-Packaged Convenience Foods, High Fat Lunch Meats, Lobster (anthropoid), Margarine (hydrogenated oil), NutraSweet (methanol alcohol), Junk Food, Olestra (fat free chips), High Fat Dairy Products, Chlorine (water), Caffeine Products and Alcohol.

     The fact is, learning to eat well may take time.  Many people have been “trained” to enjoy sweet, salty, and fattening food.  All this processed food can taste great, but its difficult for the body to process and contains very little nutritional value.  The good part is you don’t have to give up all your favorite foods at once.  Try subtle changes and you will find that over time, each change has become a lasting healthy habit. Healthy food choices include Fruits, veggies, Fish, Chicken, and Turkey intake less fat; Also 8-10 glasses of water per day.

     While food does play a major role in a healthy lifestyle, numerous factors contribute to overall health.  When your body works overtime, it depletes many vitamins and minerals that each cell needs to function properly.  Because of this, a supplement is often required. Chiropractic also enhances all body functions, such as digestion and absorption.

For more information on nutrition or ways to live a healthier life style call us at 702-920-6556 or email us at unlimitedwellness@gmail.com

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Chiropractic Care For Back Pain Relief

JULY 18, 2013, 12:01 AM

Alternatives for Back Pain Relief

This column appears in the July 21 issue of The New York Times Magazine.
If you have never suffered from lingering low back pain, you’re lucky or, more likely, young. Up to 80 percent of us will experience low back pain at some point. And for most, there won’t be an identifiable cause.
In the past 10 years, the most popular nonsurgical medical treatment for “chronic, nonspecific” low back pain has been injection therapy, or shots into the lower back of various substances — usually cortisone but also liquid ibuprofen, morphine and vitamin B12. Doctors have been turning to injection therapy at a “disproportionately escalating rate,” according to an overview of back-pain treatments by a team led by Dr. Janna Friedly, a back specialist and an assistant professor of rehabilitation medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle, because it’s relatively easy to administer, less invasive than surgery, can provide some pain relief for a few weeks for some people and is profitable for physicians.
But the benefits do not last, the latest science shows. In a commentary published in May in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers from the Netherlands point out that there is almost no evidence that the shots ease most people’s pain long term, even after multiple injections. Other recent studies have concluded that injections also do not significantly reduce the likelihood of back surgery later. And in a particularly sobering study published in February, researchers found, to their surprise, that a small group of subjects with pinched nerves in their backs showed less improvement after injection therapy than a control group during a four-year follow-up period. Based on the available data, the JAMA authors conclude, doctors “should not” recommend injection therapy to their patients with chronic low back pain.
The lack of other options that can be administered in a doctor’s office, however, is frustrating to physicians and their patients, says Dr. Friedly. Doctors “want to be able to do something,” she says. But it may be that in their desire to treat back pain, doctors are compounding the problem and creating a disease state where none may exist. “I think we’ve begun pathologizing pain,” she says.
Since most adults develop an aching back at some point, Dr. Friedly says, it shouldn’t always be viewed as an abnormal condition that requires costly medical care. Having some back pain can be a normal aspect of aging that should be met with acknowledgment, patience and, even more important, a change in lifestyle, particularly exercising more.
According to a study published in March, a simple walking program can help adults strengthen their aching backs as much as a more complicated series of back exercises. A comprehensive review published in May in The Clinical Journal of Pain finds that there is “strong evidence for short-term effectiveness” of yoga against back pain, although whether the benefits last beyond a year is less certain. Other experiments have found that Pilates, stretching classes, acupuncture and stationary bicycling each provide some people with some pain relief, although in head-to-head studies, no one of those options is superior to the others.
And perhaps all of them work, to some degree, simply by distracting people. In a 2012 Japanese study, when adults suffering from chronic back pain visited an amusement park, their self-reports of pain dropped significantly, only to climb again as soon as the trip ended.
A note from Dr. John Florendo
Chiropractic care is an organic approach to the cause of the pain. All nerves originate at the spine and exit off the cord through foramen or tunnels formed by the spinal column vertebra. A vertebra misaligned to a millimeter can occlude the foramen and cause nerve irritation and disrupt normal messages from the brain to the body. This is a subluxation. Get checked for subluxations regularly to stay healthy.