Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Natural Approach to Optimum Blood Pressure

The Natural Approach to Optimum Blood Pressure

Normal blood pressure varies from person to person.  Variations are common because of differences in height, weight, age, sex, temperament, body build, occupation, and even health history.
Because blood pressure varies in individuals, even under different circumstances, it is difficult to speak in terms of a normal blood pressure. In fact, blood pressure depends on several factors, such as the strength of the heart, resistance and elasticity of the blood vessel walls, and the amount and viscosity of the blood itself.
Every person has a blood pressure range that is normal for him or her.  Slight deviations may be expected and should not be considered a sign of any dangerous internal development. However, severe deviations up and down and between systolic and diastolic ratios, persistently found, are frequently a sign of an abnormality that should be located and promptly corrected. For this reason it is important to have you blood pressure checked regularly by a professional.
When your doctor measures your blood pressure, two readings will be taken. One measurement is called a systolic reading, and the other a diastolic reading. The systolic reading indicates maximum pressure within an artery during a pulse, and the diastolic indicates the sustained pressure within the artery when the blood vessel is relaxed between heartbeats.
High Blood Pressure
A serious deviation from one’s normal blood pressure may be due to a specific cause. In some cases, this may be caused by emotional stress, such as anxiety, frustration, and worry.  Sometimes, it is related to being overweight or eating too much or too much of the wrong foods. Sometimes, it is caused or aggravated by hereditary factors, infections, tumors, nerves, inactivity of certain glands, or impaired functions of the kidneys. Whatever the cause, it should be diagnosed and treated.
High blood pressure may be a symptom of arteriosclerosis, commonly called hardening of the arteries. Abnormal changes take place in blood vessel tissues, and fatty materials and chemical salts are deposited, resulting in arteries becoming less elastic and smaller in internal diameter.
Symptoms of chest pain, headache, hot flashes, nervousness, insomnia, and visual disturbances may or may not be associated with high blood pressure. When they are present, they should be reported to your doctor of chiropractic immediately. You also may have a bone out of place irritating a nerve.
Low Blood Pressure
It is the total circulation and not blood pressure that determines the amount of nutrition supplied to the various parts of the body. Low blood pressure is usually not considered dangerous unless the pressure indicates that circulation is being impaired.
Although some individuals seem to have a lower blood pressure than that considered average, this does not seem to be an important factor unless it appears as a sudden drop from a person’s normal pressure.  Anemia, autointoxication, heart weakening, shock, and hemorrhage are a few common causes.
Common symptoms of low blood pressure include fatigue under slight exertion, dizziness, apprehension, inability to concentrate on anything except oneself, ringing in the ears, and tingling in the fingers and toes. Such symptoms should be reported immediately.
Cause for Concern for the Total Individual
Because so many different functions, systems, and structures can be involved in the cause or aggravation of either high or low blood pressure, it is important that the overall health of the individual be considered. Often, the nervous system is involved either directly or indirectly. 
Call Dr. Florendo today. (702) 920-6556 or schedule an appointment http://www.drflorendo.com,   He will perform the necessary thorough Chiropractic, Orthopedic, Physical and Neuro-Metabolic examination to determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate natural care to allow your body to function at an optimal level and keep your nervous system functioning with out Subluxation or Interference.

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